Happy National Ag Day!

Here in the Central Valley we have the privilege of living in an abundance of agriculture.  Over the last years, not far from our RANCHETTE, we had the privilege of watching a local farmer package and ship all his watermelons.  Every day on the way to and from school we would count the trucks and workers. So many take for granted all people involved in getting that melon to your tabl.  Now suddenly as we are all shut down, cooped up and stores are low on milk and eggs, people are looking to the farmer. But for the most part nothing has changed for the local farmer and rancher.  The #stayathome is how most of them live daily. Calves are still being born, milk barns are running around the clock and fields are being prepped for summer crops.  

My passion and the reason why I love helping clients move from city to country is to help preserve the ag mindset.  My life and that of my small family has changed since we purchased our RANCHETTE. I grew up a farm girl and I wanted that so much for Josh and my kids. We are by no means big time farmers and ranchers, but our hobby farm is definitely a huge part of our life.  We wouldn’t have it any other way. It influences what we value, the work that we fill our free time with and the way our kids see the world. 


For me laying out my garden is an activity that I look forward to all winter.  For some this may be your first year that maybe you couldn’t find lettuce in the store the last few weeks. Either way that's ok.  I am blessed to have a dad that can grow anything. We are missing him around our farm terribly right now. He has guided me over the last few years as I established my garden space.  It is so great to pick your own veggies and fruit and my kiddos think it's awesome. We have been pulling a lot of weeds in quarantine. Here is the layout of my garden… Plants are in the stores.  Hopefully in the next few weeks a quick trip to your local nursery (shop local) will be possible and you can get your plants in the ground, watch them grow, and enjoy your bounty this summer. And don’t forget, sharing your abundance is really the best part! 

garden layout-01-01.jpg

Hope this finds you safe and healthy!  

Love, Nat


PS some of the plants in my garden layout are winter crops and are currently in the ground. They will be rotated out for more summer veggies.


Buying a Cow. How much beef is it?


Sunday - A day of rest